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Obit For Charles D. Manley
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Text Charles D. Manley Was born at Hacket City, Sebastian County, Ark., Feb. 27, 1862, and is a son of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Manley, former residents of Cassville.

In 1863, Mr. Manley's mother passed through Cassville on her way to Illinois, horseback carrying Charlie in her arms. In Illinois she met her husband.

After the war, in 1867, they removed and located near Cassville, making the trip with an ox team. Mr. Manley attended the public schools of Barry county and received his education.

He taught school in this county and afterwards served as Deputy County Clerk seven years.

In connection with his father, they established an Insurance, Abstract and Real Estate business to which Mr. Manley succeeded on the death of his father, which was conducted successfully for fifteen years.

On Dec. 21, 1884, Mr. Manley and Miss Belle Goodnight were united in marriage and to whom have been born four children, three of which are living.

In 1902, Mr. Manley was nominated by the Democratic party for County Clerk and was elected by a handsome majority.

The early part of Mr. Manley’s life was spent on the farm, and on account of the limited means of his father, had a "hard row to hoe", but being backed by a strong will and energy has accomplished much by his own efforts.
Newspaper Not Known
Date Not Dated
Death Cert Link Death Certificate
Resource Newspaper item typed by Linda Garrett