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Obit For Charles D. Manley
Headline Cassville Man Shoots Self Wednesday
Text C. D. Manley, well known Cassville citizen and insurance agent, shot himself in the temple with a revolver while seated in a chair at his desk about three o'clock Wednesday afternoon of last week.

He had gone to his office, returning from the scene of fire and within ten minutes was found in his chair. Medical aid was summoned and he died about an hour later. The bullet passed entirely through the top of his head an was later found on the floor of his office.

The above report was given out soon after Manley was found shot, but it was later thought that some unknown person might have murdered him. The bullet ranged downward as if the gun was held higher than his head which would be almost impossible for him to hold the gun in this position and there were no powder burns around the wound.

Also there as a lump on his jaw, apparently cased by a blow, and the back door was unlocked. These incidents and others caused some to believe that he did not kill himself.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Wheaton Journal
Date Thursday, March 17, 1932
Death Cert Link Death Certificate
Resource State Historical Society of MO Microfilm
Submitted by