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Obit For Mahala Jane (Stubblefield) Lucky
Headline Exeter News
Text Grandma Lucky died some time before 8:30 a.m. Saturday. She had been feeling very well considering her advanced years. The day before having been up most all day and attended the regular meals.

She had been making her home with her son, N.J. Lucky for several years and it was no unusual occurrence for her to sleep late of mornings. The rest of the family had breakfast over and Mr. Lucky had made a trip to town and back home and not seeing his mother up ask about her, and when informed she had not been up, they went to her room and discovered her lifeless form.

The body was not cold at the hour it was discovered. No bed clothing was disarranged to indicate a struggle or an effort to attract attention.

She had lived here many years. She was very estimable lady and would have been 82 years old. The last few years she had been a slight attack of heart trouble and paralysis.

Funeral services were held at the family residence Sunday at 2 p.m. and he remains laid to rest in Maplewood.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Republican
Date January 22, 1914, Thursday
Death Cert Link Death Certificate
Resource State Historical Society of MO
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