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Obit For Lloyd Earle Lowe
Headline Sad Death
Text Lloyd Earle Lowe, aged two years, was killed Sunday, March 22, at the home of his parents, two miles south of Sarcoxie, by the accidental discharge of a shotgun, which had been standing in the corner of his room in which the accident happened, and which was dislodged by another child playing on the floor in the same room.

The entire charge from one barrel of the gun entered the child's head, killing it instantly.

This is another case of "didn't know it was loaded" as the father of the little one said he had not handled the gun for months, and suppose it to be empty.

Parents and other grownups cannot be too careful about leaving firearms laying around loose where there are small children. Neosho Miner and Mechanic
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Republican
Date April 9, 1914, Thursday
Death Cert Link Death Certificate
Resource State Historical Society of Missouri
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