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Obit For Albert Kirk
Headline Albert Kirk Dead
Text Albert S. Kirk died Tuesday night at 10 p.m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Livingston of this city. For several months Mr. Kirk had been afflicted with tuberculosis and his life was gradually taken away by that dreaded disease which takes many to a premature grave. Soon after the first appearance of his afflictions he sought relief by taking a trip out west but failing to get any permanent benefit, he returned to his home county with but little promise of ever regaining his former health.

The deceased was born near Cassville, July 14, 1872. He lived a greater part of his early life in this vicinity. In April 1893 he was married to Florence Livingston. This union was blest with one child, Miss Hazel. Besides a wife and daughter his is survived by a step mother, Mrs. Mary Thompson of Washburn.

Until the past few months Mr. Kirk had been living in Monett. He was an exemplary citizen and enjoyed the confidence of those with whom he came in contact. In his death the county loses one of its best citizens. Funeral services will be held today, Thursday, at 2 p.m., at the Presbyterian Church, conducted by Rev. E.W. Love and in charge of he Cassville Odd fellow Lodge. Interment will be made at the Oak Hill Cemetery.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Republican
Date December 25, 1913, Thursday
Death Cert Link -
Resource State Historical Society of MO
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