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Obit For Maldanetta "Malda" N. Kelley (Standlee)
Headline Mrs. Martin Kelley Dead
Text Mrs. Malda Kelley died February 5, 1915, at the home of her son in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

She was born November 11th, 1848 in Barry County, Missouri. She was married to Martin Kelley in August 1866 to this union was born five children, four sons, and one daughter. The daughter having died at the age of 22 years. The four sons now married, remain with their families to mourn her loss.

At the age of fourteen, she united with the M. E. Church South and has lived a devoted Christian life.

The body was shipped to Perice [Pierce] City, and taken out to Bethel M. E. Church where the funeral was conducted by Rev. F. M. Price.

The interment was made in the Bethel Cemetery. Pierce City Leader
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Republican
Date February 18, 1915, Thursday
Death Cert Link -
Resource State Historical Society of Missouri Microfilm
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