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Obit For Arthur David Kersey
Headline A Beautiful Life Goes Out
Text #1 Obituary
Arthur David Kersey of Exeter is dead. The word flew over that town as on wings of wind. Wherever it touched it left sorrow, and the expressions of sympathy for the bereaved ones were many and from the heart.

Bright, happy and cheerful he carried sunshine with him wherever he went. He always had a smile and a kind word for everybody, and was an exception of a good boy, loved and respected by everybody. His death came as a dark shadow to relatives and friends who loved him so dearly.

Death is a hard taskmaster. He would take from us our brightest and best, but He cannot mar memory which will serve as a calm to the wounded hearts of his relatives. Rev. Yarbrough conducted funeral services at the Christian Church Sunday afternoon at 2 p.m., and the building was not sufficiently large to accommodate the large number present to pay the last respect to this splendid boy, who was 16 years, 7 months, and 24 days old and died of rheumatism.

#2 Obituary
A great shock was brought upon the good people of Exeter and vicinity Friday morning by the announcement of the sudden death of Arthur David Kersey, the sixteen year old son of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Kersey, which occurred at the home of his parents at 6 o'clock Friday morning of inflammatory rheumatism. Only a few of his many friends knew of his ailment as he had only been confined to his room a few days and even those who attended him never once realized that untimely death was so near.

Arthur was a young man of great promise and always had a kind word for his friends and schoolmates. He was free of bad habits and very explicit in fact. Arthur was a shining star in the right way of living.

Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Christian Church, conducted by Rev. Yarbrough, after which the remains were laid to rest in the Maplewood Cemetery.

Card Of Thanks

In this trying hour of deep sorrow, with heart strings torn by the death of our beloved son, Arthur David Kersey, we desire to return our heartfelt thanks to our many friends and neighbors for their unlimited sympathy and assistance when our beloved son and brother passed from this life to a beautiful life beyond. Such friendship exhibited is consoling to wounded hearts.
John Kersey and Family

Research Note:
Arthur David Kersey
Mar. 13 1897 - Nov. 7 1913
ReSource: Original Obituaries From Two Barry County Newspapers
Submitted by Patricia Henry

Note: The only son of my Grandparents John and Anna Kersey, brother of my Mother, Mary Margaret Kersey.
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