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Obit For Francis Asbury James
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Text By W. J. Brock, neighbor and friend

Friday evening, July 30, about 7 o'clock, passed away one of our oldest and most respected citizens in the person of F. A. James. Had he lived to Jan. 20, 1916, he would have been 80 years old. He was born in Izard County, Ark., in 1835 moving to Barry County in 1843, making him a citizen of this county for 72 years.

His father, known as Jimmy James, stopped about the mouth of Roaring River for a season, thence coming here where he lived ever after.

He served three years and ten days in Co. H., 1st Ark. Cav. and was in the battle of Prairie Grove.

He began paying taxes in this county when he was 16 years old and never missed a year nor never paid a nickel of taxes outside this county.

He had been married twice, first to Miss Elizabeth Painter to which union there are three children living W. J. and J. W. James and Martha Applegate who get their mail at Shell Knob, and second to Mrs. Margaret Kepley Jarrett to which union one child survives, F. A. James, Jr. of this place.

Back in the early 80's he served two years a judge of the eastern district of Barry County. His character was without a blemish, religiously morally or otherwise. He had been one of the main supports of the Christian Church here for years.

He had a wonderful recollection of incidents that came under his observation such as name of persons and dates.

He was one of the survivors who captured George Moore between the Horner Church and Cassville for the killing of Jack Carney and wife at Shell Knob some 47 years ago, the same party being hanged to the old bell post on the public square in Cassville without future ceremony.

His remains were laid to rest in the Painter Cemetery by the side of his mother. The funeral service were conducted by Eld G. G. Cottrell.

Research Notes: Francis Asbury James, born 29 Jan 1836.
Mother, Marada Sutton James (1818-1896),
sibling, Dempsey James (1839-1884).
Spouses Elizabeth Painter James (1839-1865, m 1856) and Margaret Kepley James (1834-1918, m 1866)
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Republican
Date Aug. 5, 1915, Thursday
Death Cert Link -
Resource State Historical Society of MO
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