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Obit For George Houston
Headline George Houston Dead
Text Sheriff Wm. Houston received a message Monday saying that his brother, George, had been killed at Eufaula, Okla., where he had lived for sometime. The message did not state the cause of his death. Mr. Houston left on the evening train Monday for Eufaula to attend the funeral.

Sheriff Houston returned from Eufaula Wednesday morning. He says that his brother died at about 11 o'clock Monday and that he had been shot with a revolver in the center of the forehead. The revolver was found in the lower part of his pants leg. There was no powder burn about his face. He was at home alone at the time. Mrs. Houston had gone to town. George had just returned from Texas where he had bought a hundred head of cattle and no one at Eufaula could give any reason for the killing. Sheriff Houston believes that his brother must have been murdered and the revolver placed where it was found to make it appear to be a case of suicide or that it was an accident.

He was the second oldest son of George Houston who for many years lived ten miles northeast of Cassville on Flat Creek. He had been in Oklahoma for the past twenty five years and was doing well. He leaves a widow and three children. George is remembered by a large number of people in this county who are grieved to hear of his death.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Republican
Date March 21, 1918, Thursday
Death Cert Link -
Resource State Historical Society of MO Microfilm
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