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Obit For Francis M. Horn
Headline F. M. Horn Passes Away
Text #1.
F. M. Horn for many years one of Seligman's leading business men, died at his home in Seligman Saturday morning at the age of 78 years and 7 months. Apoplexy was the cause of his death.

He was born in Pennsylvania and there grew to manhood and was married. He then moved to Minnesota and homesteaded land. His wife died and soon after he came to this state and located in Howell County where he was again married and made his home for awhile.

He located at Seligman and engaged in the hardware business in the eighties and remained in business there until a few months ago when he sold his store and retired from active business affairs. The death of his son who was killed in the motor care wreck on the M. & N. A. one year ago near Neosho grieved him greatly and he sold his business a few months later.

Mr. Horn was a member of the Presbyterian church and of the Masonic Lodge. He was well known throughout the south part of the county and was a splendid citizen.

The funeral was held from the Union Church in Seligman, Sunday afternoon conducted by Rev. E.W. Love of this city and the Masonic Lodge.

Seligman News: F. M. Horn, one of Seligman's oldest business men quietly passed away at his home here Saturday morning. Mr. Horn was liked by all. He was in business continually until about five months ago when he sold his business and retired to private life. He was able to walk around till a few hours before his death.

We have lost a good citizen. He leaves several children and many friends to mourn his loss.
The funeral was conducted Sunday evening by the Masonic lodge. The ceremony was very impressive. A short talk was made by Brother Love who plainly showed the living that they would soon have to follow and now is the time to prepare.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Republican
Date #1. & #2. August 5, 1915, Thursday
Death Cert Link Death Certificate
Resource State Historical Society of MO Microfilm
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