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Obit For Lloyd Holman
Headline #1. Mano News - #2. Lloyd Holman Killed
Text #1. Mano News: Lloyd Holman was shot and killed at Shell Knob Saturday night, July the 4th. He leaves three brothers and four sisters, W. H. and James of Mano, Thomas of Harrison, Ark., and Mrs. Effie Davis of Joplin, Mrs. Della Bridges and Miss Edna of Kansas City and Mrs. Jessie Minsminger of Chicago, Ill.

All came in Monday morning except Mrs. Minsminger who got here Tuesday morning. The remains were held over until Tuesday, July 7th, and laid to rest in the Mano Cemetery, at 12 o'clock. Rev. E. Chappell conducted the funeral services.

The bereaved have the sympathy of the entire community.

#2. Lloyd Holman Killed: Tragedy occurred at Shell Knob Saturday Night. Joel Whisman Accused: At the picnic grounds one mile of Shell Knob, Saturday night about 8:30, Lloyd Holman of Rock Creek was shot and killed. Joel Whisman, who resides near Shell Knob, is charged of the crime.

Reports are to the effect that Holman had been very disorderly during the two days picnic. On Friday he and Arthur Henbest had some words and an altercation followed. This seemed to widen the stream of enmity and he became very quarrelsome, keeping the local officers on their post of duty at all hours. It is claimed he tried to start a number of disturbances with different parties up to the time of his death.

Joel Whisman, who is charge with taking his life, was a peace officer. From reliable reports it seems late Saturday evening Holman called Whisman out from a crowd and challenged him for a fight. Whisman undertook to talk Holman out of the notion and insisted that he be more orderly. Holman was not pacified and within a few moments he charged with a knife towards Wiley Whisman, a brother of Joel who was standing near. Wiley received the blow, the knife cutting his clothing on the right breast but making no wound. Holman then started for Officer Whisman at which incident a shot was fired, taking its effect near the heart. Holman died instantly.

Squire Willis had an inquest and the jury reported Holman to have met death by a shot from a revolver by an unknown party. Sheriff Brixey was notified and Whisman was placed under arrest. We understand he is non-committal about the affair. He gave bond for his preliminary hearing which will be held Thursday, July 9, before Justice Willis. Whisman came to Cassville Monday evening and employed attorneys J. S. Davis and James Talbert to defend him.

Holman was a young man about 25 years of age, unmarried. He was a son of the late Ap Holman and was born and reared on Rock Creek. He was a brother of Jim and Will Holman who reside in that vicinity. He is also survived by another brother, four sisters, and a number of immediate relatives. Interment of his body was made at the Mano Cemetery, Tuesday.

Whisman is a man of a family and is a prominent farmer. He is about 46 years of age. He has lived in the vicinity of Shell Knob for a number of years and is known to be a quite and highly respected citizen.

The families are well known and the affair is indeed a sad one.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Republican, Barry Co., MO
Date July 9, 1914, Thursday
Death Cert Link -
Resource State Historical Society of MO
Submitted by