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Obit For Irma Hindman
Headline Suicide
Text Miss Irma Hindman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hindman, shot and killed herself about 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon at her parents home on Shoal Creek about six miles west of Exeter. The bullet took effect in the right temple and death was instant. We are informed the members of the family were away from home at the time of the deed, except the father who was out in a field nearby.

The cause of the suicide is not known. She left a note but the contents were not made known to the public.

She was bout 20 years of age and was a successful teacher. She enjoyed the esteem of a large circle of friends and was a young lady of many accomplishments. Her parents resided on the farm known as the Dude Salyer farm and came to the locality from Oklahoma about three years ago.

The funeral services were held at the Concord Presbyterian Church conducted by Rev. Hickman, Monday afternoon. Interment was made at the Concord cemetery.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Republican
Date May 14, 1914, Thursday
Death Cert Link Death Certificate
Resource State Historical Society of MO Microfilm
Submitted by