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Obit For James C. Hilton
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Text Dead James C. Hilton passed away at Bonanza, Ore, April 25, 1914, aged 32 years, 2 months and 25 days.

Mr. Hilton came to this county in the fall of 1910, from Missouri, where he was born, Jan 30, 1882. He moved here with A .B. Moore in 1910 and had charge of the Moore store while he was in business here. Since that time Mr. Hilton has been recognized as one of our best citizens, he having taken up a homestead in this county, and selling it, purchased town property which he maintained until his death. During the latter part of January this year his wife and little daughter went to visit their old home in Missouri, just returning on the 9th inst. Mrs. Hilton's brother, Will, accompanied them on their return and was present with him in this last hours.

Mr. Hilton was taken sick on the 17th with lagrippe, which cased congestion of the brain and for about 36 hours after he was taken seriously he was wholly unconscious suffering untold agony from the time he regained consciousness until the day before the end came.

He leaves a wife and little girl, a father and mother, two sisters and two brothers and a host of friends to mourn him. The funeral services were held in the M. E. Church Sunday and interment was in the I. O. O. F. Cemetery. The Rev. S. W. Hail preached a very touching and appropriate sermon to a large and sympathetic assembly, who followed the remains to their last resting place. The entire community joins in extending their heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family.

Ed. The above is a clipping taken from a paper at Bonanza and sent to the REPUBLICAN by the widow, Mrs. Nora Houston Hilton. Mr. Hilton was born near Cassville and lived in the county in the early part of his life.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Republican
Date May 14, 1914, Thursday
Death Cert Link -
Resource State Historical Society of MO Microfilm
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