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Obit For Eppy "Epp" Lotson Higgs
Headline Epp Higgs Dead
Text Another summons was issued and the spirit of a splendid man and citizen obeyed the call to come up higher, to bask in the sunlight of the great redeemer, in the holy city on high and sometime and somehow we will all do likewise. "Are you ready".

Epp Higgs was born in the neighborhood where he died and was a son of the late Mr. And Mrs. S. R. (Red) Higgs old time and highly respected citizens of this county. He had been sick for two to five years, with rheumatism and had been confined to his bed, helpless, but was thought to be improving and was able to move himself some. He suddenly took worse and died Friday, July 23, 1920, aged 45 years, leaving his wife, two sons and two daughters to mourn the separation. He left one brother and two sisters, who are James Higgs of Butterfield Township, Mrs. Sherman Lane of Clayton, N. M. and Mrs. Calvin Stamps of near Ridgley.

He had been a member of New Hope Church for many years and lived the life of a consistent Christian and enjoyed the good will and friendship of all his acquaintances. His word was his bond.

He and Miss Georgia Brattin a daughter of late Oliver Brattin and Mrs. Brattin, estimable citizens of our country, were married many years ago, and lived a happy life.

Rev. J. T. Brattin of this city, conducted funeral services at Concord Church on afternoon of Saturday, July 24, after which the remains were interred in the Cemetery there.

A large number of relatives and friends attended the funeral and interment.

Research Note: From Betty Higgs Lamberson, his granddaughter. The S. R. Higgs and Mrs. Higgs Mentioned above are Seth Rederick and Martha Tucker Higgs.

Oliver Brattin and Mrs. Brattin are Oliver Jesse Brattin and Arizonia Rosa Belle Brattin.

The Rev. Brattin is James Tillman Brattin a prominent Baptist minister of this era who officiated at many Funerals and Marriages in Barry County.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Democrat
Date July 1920
Death Cert Link -
Resource The State Historical Society Microfilm, Columbia, MO
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