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Obit For Ephriam Hembree
Headline -
Text Ephriam Hembree died Thursday at his home near Mano of apoplexy, age 80 years. He took ill Wednesday night and on account of his advanced age he did not regain his strength and gradually weakened until death came Thursday morning.

He had lived in the vicinity of Mano for a number of years and was a federal soldier in the Civil War.

A wife and six children survive him.

Funeral services were held Friday at his home and interment was made in the Mano Cemetery.

Research Note: Ephriam Hembree and wife are buried in Old Easley Cemetery - not Mano.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Republican
Date May 22, 1913
Death Cert Link -
Resource State Historical Society of MO Microfilm
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