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Obit For George Hayes
Headline He died from Heart Failure
Body found in the Foot Crossing First Ford below Thomas Mill.
Text Thursday, afternoon, June 22, hunting for frogs, just below the second crossing of the creek from Cassville near the J. F. Pilant farm where Ed Allison reside, Jas. M. Neeley of Cassville, discovered a man lying in the creek on his face, at the foot of the crossing of the creek.

Mr. Neeley went after Alfred Pilant who was plowing on his farm near by, and E ? Wilson, who resided near by and ? - Most of the rest is unreadable. But it indicated that he had $1.25 in his pocket. And that that this was George Hayes whose uncle was Joel Hayse, who at one time resided Camp Bliss Hollow, and later in McDonald Township was the man. Joel's wife made baskets. J. M. Neeley, Alfred Pilant, Ed Allison, Jas. M. Turner and Chas Ray were witnesses before the inquest jury.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Democrat
Date June 26, 1909, Saturday
Death Cert Link -
Resource State Historical Society of MO Microfilm
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