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Obit For William Harrell
Headline Another Good Man called Home
Text It is with a sad heart that we chronicle the death of Wm. Harrell, at his home in Liberty township, Thursday morning after an illness of six or eight weeks, with lagrippe and pneumonia, age 80 years, Oct. 11, 1907. He made a stubborn fight for life, but his age was against him. Another splendid example of life has gone from us that is worthy of our imitation. He was highly respected and had the confidence of everybody that knew him. He belonged to the old school of men, that held honor above everything.

He came to Barry County, in 1838 with his father and settled at the spring known as the Talbert Spring, a short distance northwest of Exeter.

When he came to this country there was no town of Cassville and no wagon roads going west of town, and they drove up the valley west of town, through the tall prairie grass to where they located. He said about all this county was prairie and there was hardly any timber only along the edge of the streams.

He left a wife, several sons, and daughters to mourn the death of a splendid father. Barry County has lost a citizen that many county would be proud of. Many from this city attended the funeral at Concord Church, yesterday, May 27th.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Democrat
Date March 28, 1908, Saturday
Death Cert Link -
Resource State Historical Society of MO Microfilm
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