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Obit For Henry Lair Harper
Prominent Farmer Dies At Front Gate Of His County Home Friday Afternoon
Text - Outline H.L. Harper, prominent and long time citizen of this county, dropped dead at the front gate of his home last Friday afternoon, near Pioneer.

Mr. Harper had started with his son out in the field near the Harper home and returned to the home for some reason and when the son turned to look for him, he saw him fall to his death. The son rushed to his stricken father’s side but he gasped his last as he knelt beside him. Death was due to heart trouble.

Mr. Harper leaves a wife and eight children to morn his untimely passing. He was 76 years old and has resided in that section of the country for many years.

He was one of the county’s most substantial citizens and no man stood higher in the estimation of his acquaintances than he. He was honest in all his dealings and was a splendid neighbor.

Funeral services were conducted at the family home Sunday afternoon where a large number of sorrowing relatives and friends gathered to pay their last love and respect to this good man.

Research Note: Missouri Death Cert. # 16052

Name: Henry Lair Harper

Born: Nov. 2, 1851 in Beverly, West Virginia

Parents: Henry and Hannah Harper

Died: May 4, 1928, Purdy, Barry Co., MO

Burial in Muncie Cemetery, Barry Co., MO

Wife Nancy Ann Harper:

Barry County Web site Muncie Chapel Cemetery (tombstone) listed his name as Henry Lair Harper and wife as Nancy A. (Mar. 12, 1865-Jan. 3, 1952)
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Democrat
Date May 12, 1928
Death Cert Link Death Certificate
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