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Obit For Thomas R. Hankins
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Thos. R. Hankins died Dec .6, 1892. Death that terrible name with cold, remorseless hand stops not at widow's tears of the pitiful moans of orphans. He knows not difference of place or blood, neither will badge or wealth stay his fearful stroke, but his is still a gentle hand and his trophies are not taken in wanton malice; unknowable are this ways and patiently each his turn must wait.

The solemn summons came for Bro. Hankins a few days ago and into the shadow less, strange unseen, his released spirit took its flight. His mortal, body, surrounded by his mystic brethren was gently and lovingly couched to Mother Earth, whence it will raise again to meet the great Judge of all.

He leaves a wife an several small children to mourn his loss. To them we extend our sympathies and help in their grief and trouble. the bereaved ones.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Republican
Date December 8, 1892 Thursday
Death Cert Link -
Resource State Historical Society of MO Microfilm
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