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Obit For Joseph M. Gray
Headline Joseph M. Gray Dead
Text Time has found out a long life for an old time citizen of Barry County, one who recognized honesty as his guide and his traits of character were characteristic of the man. His profession of Christ years ago and his billet in the one, true and living God, undoubtedly fit him for that eternal life, where the weary cease from troubling and are at rest.

Joseph M. Gray of near Butterfield, died Tuesday, Jan. 21, 1920, of the 'flu' and infirmities of old age, age 82 years, 4 months and 27 days. He was born, Aug. 24, 1837, in Perry County, Tenn., and came to Barry County in 1881, and has since made this his home. At the age of thirty-three he and Miss Susan Greer were married July 26, 1870, and six sons and one daughter were born of this marriage, and are: Henry, James, Horace and Wm. Gray of Monett; Powell Gray of Purdy and Walter Gray of near Butterfield. The wife survives the husband. The daughter having died in infancy.

Mary years ago he untied with the Christian Church and later joined the Old School Baptist Church and died believing in that faith. He first lived at Exeter, and then later moved to Butterfield.

Services were conduced at the New Church northwest of Butterfield, Thursday and interment was made there.

He was the father of six splendid sons who are highly respected citizens of this county and enjoy the respect and confidence of all their acquaintances.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Democrat
Date Jan. 24, 1920
Death Cert Link -
Resource State Historical Society of MO Microfilm
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