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Obit For Isaac Fountain Gravitt
Headline I. F. Gravitt Dead
Text Isaac Fountain Gravitt was born May 15, 1864 in Clark County, Kentucky, died Dec 14, 1915, at the home near Purdy, of leakage of the heart and stomach trouble. He was 54 years old.

In 1872 or '73 his parents moved to Woodford County, Ill., where he married Miss Sarah Sutton of El Paso, Ill., Dec 15, 1888. To this union were born seven children, all residing at Purdy, except the eldest, Mrs. C. L. Campbell, of Groom, Tex. The rest of the family came to Purdy from New Mexico in 1909.

Mr. Gravitt had been in poor health for some time, but his family though he was improving a little, when he was suddenly taken worse. His last sickness was brief, he was only confined to his bed five days. His daughter and other relatives arrived after he died. His daughter, a brother, a sister, and a brother-in-law arrived in time for the funeral. Another brother did not come till he was laid away. He leaves besides his family, three brothers and four sisters to mourn his loss.

Mr. Gravitt had been a member of the M. W. W. about 17 years. They assisted with the funeral services. Mr. Gravitt was very fond of flowers. Their tribute was a lovely floral wreath. We thank them and our other friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy in this hour of need and trouble. We have lost a good husband and a kind and loving father.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Republican
Date Dec. 23, 1915, Thursday
Death Cert Link Death Certificate
Resource State Historical Society of MO Microfilm
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