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Obit For Dr. William P. George
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Text Sadness pervaded C??? (probably Cassville) Thursday morning, when the news went out that Dr. Wm. P. George of Berryville Ark., had died Wednesday night, Oct. 13, at 10 p.m. of a complication of diseased, aged 69 years, 8 months and 17 days.

He was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. David I. George, well known and highly respected citizens of this county during life, and he was born in Cassville, Jan. 26, 1846, and lived on the old George homestead with his parents, until arriving at the age of 16 years, when the civil war came on, he case his lot with the Southern States, and entered the Confederate Army and enlisted in a Company organized by the late John Hereford of near Washburn, that was known as Co. C. 11th Mo., Infantry, in Col. Hunter's regiment, and in the army of Gen. Sterling Price, where he served three years. In his company, served such men as B.A. Gowan, Monroe Logan and Taylor McGlothlia of near Washburn, Robert Henderson of Oklahoma, James Vanzandt of Ash township, Barry county, Isaac Cowherd of Okla., Robert Perkins of Van Buren Ark., Burk Herriford of Nevada, Mo., and the late Daniel O'Connell Dougherty of Atlanta Ga., all former residents of Barry county. Between Dr. George and Daniel O'Connell Doughtery, there existed a friendship that commenced in there boyhood days and lasted to the end.

After the war closed in 1865, he returned to this city and engaged in the mercantile business for a time, and then closed that out and commenced the study of medicine under the late Dr. John Ray, in the old brick court house, that was torn down a few years ago, on the first floor, in the northeast corner room, which he pursued for about two years and then went to Berryville, Ark., where he commenced the practice and made a great success of his profession and business interests that he afterwards became engaged in.

A few years after locating at Berryville Ark., he returned to the scenes of his early life to secure a wife and he and Miss Mollie Burton who was raised in Cassville, an esteemed and highly respected lady of this city, were married and they have since lived at Berryville, and were the parents of four children who were Pearl dying in girlhood, Burton O., and Dr. Chas and Will who died several years ago.

He was a brother of Mrs. Martha Adcock of Washburn, Mrs. Sarah Evans, Albert and Jas. W. George of Cassville, Mrs. Stephen Webb of Roswell, N.M., and Finis George whose address is unknown.

Berryville Ark., will hardly seem the same place with the passing of Dr. George, whose every ambition and efforts was put forth to assist in making that town what it is. Not only was he good to his town and country, but those people over in Carroll county, loved Dr. George and were good to him, all of which he appreciated. He was always in the lead, in the efforts of his people to build up Berryville and Carroll county and lived to see them bloom and blossom in one of the most progressive little cities and counties in Northwest Ark.

For many years he was a member of the U.S. Pension Board at Eureka Springs, Ark., was President of the First National Bank of Berryville Ark., and a stockholder in the Green Forest Ark., Bank, had been in the drug business for many years and owned much property.

He was a prominent Mason and a member of the Baptist Church.

Funeral services were held Friday Oct. 15, at 2 p.m., and interment was made in the Cemetery at that place.

The attendance on the funeral was the largest ever seen in Carroll county. Relatives and friends from a distance, attended to pay the last respect to a friend, who all esteem very highly.

Research Note: Dr. William P. George, 1846 - 1915
Newspaper or Funeral Home -
Date Oct. 1915
Death Cert Link -
Resource Scrapbook bought at the estate sale of Vivian Roller by Ted W. Roller
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