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Obit For Will E. George
Headline A Splendid Citizen Gone
Text At 10:25 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug 29, 1905 at his fathers residence in Berryville, Ark., the spirit of Will E. George took its flight to the God who gave it. Cut off in the flower of his manhood, when the future held forth so much promise of happiness and prosperity; when life was bright with hopes of coming years, his death came as a shock though not as an unexpected one, to those dear loved ones whose tenderness and care, whose every solicitude for his comfort is seldom equaled. No effort was spared to save him. Weeks spent at Eureka Springs, a trip to New York City, and all other care failed to check the dread disease that sapped his life away.

He was born in Berryville Sept. 25, 1876, and was educated at Clark's Academy and the University of Arkansas. At the time of his death he was cashier of the Carroll County Bank and serving his second term as County Treasurer.

He had the friendship of every one, for he was noble in thought, word and deed.

He was the second son of Dr. and Mrs. W. P. George and leaves these sorrow stricken parents, a heart-broken wife, a little daughter and two brothers to mourn him.

On Nov. 14, 1900, he was married to Miss Annie Elizabeth Lewis of Springdale Ark., and through those five years of happy wedded life she has been a devoted wife to him. Her life seems empty, but the loving sympathy of many relatives and friends will help her bear this cross and she has left to her dear little Mary Burton who's childish mind will ever retain the memory of "Daddy."

All Will's life, his loved ones have shielded him, cared for him, loved him so tenderly, so devotedly that not the shadow of regret can tinge their grief. For months he has been an invalid, yet that sweet spirit of unselfishness caused him to ever think of his loved ones and even in almost is last moments, when suffering intense pain, he thought of them and their comfort. What a gallant fight he made for life and when at last he closed his weary eyes on this sad world of suffering, he left his dear ones heart-broken. They stood by his bedside in the old home where he came as a baby to brighten and bless that household, the home where he spent his childhood and the years of his young manhood. The home where he brought his young bride and when sickness chained him he came back to mother's arms and to the dear old home of his childhood.

No one can take his place 'round that vacant chair, around that empty room ever cluster tender, loving lasting memories of his noble life.

His funeral services will take place today at 1 o'clock p.m. from the residence of his father, Dr. W.P. George, and will be conducted by Rev. J.H. Spurlin. Afterwards his body will be laid to rest in the I.O.O.F. cemetery with Masonic honors. L.R.L.

This is a worthy tribute to a splendid gentleman. The relatives have the sympathy of their many friends in Barry County.

Research Note: Will E. George, 1876 - 1905
Newspaper or Funeral Home Berryville, Ark., Progress
Date Aug. 1905
Death Cert Link -
Resource Scrapbook bought at the estate sale of Vivian Roller by Ted W. Roller