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Obit For James W. George
Text ??? time of manhood the ?? of time comes along with his ??? and is no respector of persons, and men fall as new mown hay and as the flower that shoots from the earth, its tiny form that grows to a stalk, and petals are formed and beautiful blooms adorn its form continuing many days then fade and fall to earth, from whence it came and its roots lay dormant until another spring time comes and it liveth again. So shall man in a far an happier world.

The sad news went out Tuesday morning, Jan. 6, 1919, that James W. George, after about ten days sickness, passed away at his home in this city of euremic poison, aged 64 years. He had been a sufferer from asthma for several years and had a weak heart and all that superinduced by the influenza was too much for his system to stand.

He was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. David O. George and was born at the late George home, out on Washburn road 5 miles, in 1854, and had practically lived in this county all his life. He attended Clark's Academy at Berryville, Ark., and afterwards studied law in the office of Phelps, McAfee and Massey in Springfield and was admitted to the bar.

January 5, 1887, he and Miss Alice McClure, a daughter of the late Wm. and Mrs. Jane McClure of near Washburn, were married and they moved to this city and have lived here since. Mrs. George died some 15 years ago. There was born of this marriage, one son Larry, and two daughters, Misses Florence and Mary O. George, who survive the parents.

He was elected Prosecuting Attorney twice in the county on the Democratic ticket ??? a vigorous prosecutor

(The rest of this obituary is missing)

In the next column of the scrapbook is this tiny section which has nothing to do with the other obituary on the page. the newspaper is the same shade as the James W. George obit, and it has the same font so it might be part of his, but I won't guarantee anything. It says:

Rev. E. W. Love of Joplin conducted short funeral services at the grave in Washburn Prairie Cemetery, Tuesday at 3 P.M., where he was buried beside his wife.

He had been a member of the M.E. church for many years.

Research Note: This obituary is in very poor condition with a fairly large section of it missing. If you can add any information to it please let me know.

James W. George 1854 - 1919
Newspaper or Funeral Home Not Known
Date -
Death Cert Link Death Certificate
Resource Scrapbook bought at the estate sale of Vivian Roller by Ted W. Roller
Submitted by