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Obit For Pvt. 1st Class David L. Gautney
Cassville Boy Make supreme Sacrifice
Text - Outline Following is a telegram received from the War of Department to Mr. and Mrs. Teet Gautney of Cassville, Thursday night, February 1st:

“Reports now received through the international Red Cross states your son, Pvt, 1/c David L. Gautney, who was reported ‘Missing in Action’. died as a result of wounds received in action September 28th while a prisoner of war of the German government. The Secretary of war extends his deepest sympathy, Confirming letter follows.”

ULIO, The Adjutant General. David had seen action in North Africa, Sicily and Italy. He was then sent to England, from there to Holland, where he was taken prisoner with a number of other paratroopers who were trapped. He had been in the army since 1942 and had been overseas for almost two years.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Republican
Date Feb. 8, 1945
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