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Obit For Judge Logan W. Gardner
Headline Judge L. W. Gardner Dead
Text At an early hour Tuesday morning, Jan. 13, 1914, L. W. Gardner, for many years a resident to this county, passed away at his home near Wheaton, following an illness of a few days. Death was caused by pneumonia.

The deceased was born in Kentucky in 1855 and came to this county in 1881. He was a prominent republican and well know through out the county. From 1904 to '06 he was judge of the county court from the western district and gave the county an efficient administration. The funeral services were held at the Wheaton Baptist Church Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock conducted by Rev. C. M. Smith of Exeter.

In his death the county loses one of her most honored and progressive citizens, a man who always took a deep interest in the welfare of this county and community.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Republican
Date Jan. 15, 1914, Thursday
Death Cert Link -
Resource State Historical Society of MO Microfilm
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