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Obit For Katie (Strick) Golkoski
Text Mrs. Katie Golkoski, a highly respected resident of near Bricefield died Saturday, August 24, at the age of 87 years, 3 months and 24 days.

Funeral services were conducted Monday morning at the Bricefield Cemetery and interment made in the Bricefield Cemetery under the direction of the Belka and Wessell Funeral Home of Wheaton.

Research Note: The article spells her last name with Galkoski and Goloski. Funeral services and interment are as printed in the paper.

Death certificate is indexed as Katie Galkoski on the MO Archives web site. It has a different birth date given on it. She was widowed and her husband was not named. She was a daughter of August Strick and Katie Sponski / Staponski, both born Poland. Frank Golkoski of Bricefield, MO was the informant. She was the wife of John Golkoski.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Wheaton Journal
Date August 29, 1929
Death Cert Link Death Certificate
Resource State Historical Society of MO Microfilm
Submitted by