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Obit For Willie Frazier
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Text A heart rending accident happened at 3:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon at the west end of the depot platform, which resulted in the instant death of seven-year-old Willie Frazier, a school boy, returned to his home from the school. In company with Elgy Howell and Jose Bricky he attempted to pass under a train of flat cars which had just come to a stop, but was prevented from doing, by the little girl. Just as the engine and train started west to pass over the switch the three children started to cross the track ahead of them, when Wiley Frazier stumped and fell, his body between the rails and his head across the rail. The switch engine and two cars passed over him, severing his head from the body and mangling the breast, neck and arms in a horrible manner. Engineer Mitchell discovered the cries of his playmates and almost instantly stopped the train, he found the boy beneath the wheels of the second car and pulled the dead body form the track. Monett Eagle.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Republican, Barry Co., MO
Date March 26, 1891, Thursday
Death Cert Link -
Resource State Historical Society of MO Microfilm
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