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Obit For Maynard Finis Francis

Tragedy Occurs Early Saturday Morning, One Mile Southeast of Wheaton
Text Maynard Francis, Wheaton business man, 43 years old, took his own life about 8:30 o'clock Friday morning, February 11, by the use of a 12-gauge automatic shot gun.

Shortly after eight o'clock Friday morning Francis got into his car and drove southeast of Wheaton about one mile. There he stopped his car, got out, laid aside his glasses and his hat, and shot himself with the shot gun which he took with him.

A son of Luther Cartwright, who was plowing in the field nearby, discovered the car standing by the road-side. After waiting a while he noted that the car was still standing and not seeing anyone about the car, he went to investigate, and found Francis lying near the car dead, and the shot gun by his side. He had shot himself in the throat. The boy heard the report of the gun but thought it was someone out hunting.

Young Cartwright hasted to Wheaton and told of the tragedy, Sheriff Mal Johnson and Coroner Floyd C. Callaway of Monett, were notified and both went to Wheaton immediately. After investigation the officials decided that it would not be necessary to hold an inquest.

Frances' body was brought to the Koon Funeral Home in Cassville and prepared for burial.

Mr. Francis was a son of the former County Judge W. S. Francis of Pioneer. He was held in high esteem as a citizen and as a business man. For a number of years he had been in the grocery and meat market business in Wheaton. The news of his death brought grief to his relatives and numerous friends all over the county.

A brother, L. H. Francis, a traveling salesman who lived at Monett, took his own life one year ago, last December, on Highway 44 east of Cassville about three miles.

Funeral services were held at the Community Building in Wheaton Sunday afternoon, conducted by Revs. Luther Carlin and Sherman Ericson. The crowd at the funeral was estimated at 1,000. One of the largest crowds ever to attend a funeral in that part of the county.

Burial was in the Munsey Chapel cemetery north of Wheaton, with the W. D. Koon Funeral Service of Cassville, in charge.

The Wheaton Masonic Lodge, of which Mr. Francis was a member, gave the Masonic burial service.

Surviving are his widow and two sons, Cecil 21, and Earl, 19.

A pall of sadness and grief pervaded every home of the little city of Wheaton and of the entire community. No man was held in higher esteem there than was Maynard Francis. His neighbors and friends are at a loss to know what led their neighbor and close friend to ending his life.

Friday morning before Mr. Francis left his place of business he called his wife and asked her to come to the store as he was going to Cassville. She went to the store. He then left in his car and went by the home where he shaved before driving out to the country where the tragedy occurred.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Republican
Date Feb. 17, 1938, Thursday
Death Cert Link Death Certificate
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