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Obit For Thomas Jefferson Foster
Text Again, it falls the Democrat's lot to record the passing of another old time and highly honored citizen of our county. A man who has spent the greater portion of his life in our midst and a man that has always been a man among men. A man whose straight-forward dealing at all times, no man bore a better reputation than he. Thomas J. Foster died at his home on Washburn Prairie, Sunday morning, August 28th, 1927, following an extended illness with a stomach ailment. Until two weeks ago he was able to be up and around at his work, when he was stricken with an attack of indigestion, death following three days later. He was 57 years old. Mr. Foster was born in Pea Ridge, Ark., a few miles from his present home, April 8th, 1870, and was a son of the late R. J. Foster, a highly respected citizen of this county during his life time. At the age of 10 years he came to this county and located where he lived at the time of death.

On March 17, 1897, he and Miss Annah M. Stark, of Washburn, were married. He engaged in farming in early life and later enter the printing business and conducted a printing plant at his country home for many years. Many years ago, he professed faith in Christ, but never untied with any church, but lived a conscientious Christian life. He was a man whose word was a good as a gold bond. Quiet and unassuming he worked steadily and persistently for the better things in life. He was good citizen all the time and in every respect and richly deserves the high regard of innumerable acquaintances and the deep affection of hundreds of friends and his passing is marked by a genuine regret on the part of the great community in which he lived. Several years ago, Mr. Foster received the nomination on the Democratic ticket for representative in the state legislature. In early days, he was associated with his father in farming and fruit raising and they were very successful. Later he started a horticulture publication which was printed at his him home for several years.

Impressive funeral services were conducted at the family home Monday afternoon by Rev. Chas Vanzandt and Luther Carlin. A large number of sorrowing friends attended the services and many beautiful floral offerings were received by the family. Interment was made in Washburn Prairie cemetery, near his old home, under direction of Horine's Funeral Service, who was assisted by Harry Windes, at the request of the family. No children were born to this marriage. He is survived by his excellent wife and his mother. Mrs. Charles Bryant of Cassville was taken by these splendid people at a young age in life and raised by them and how well they succeeded is evidenced by the unstained and excellent character and splendid reputation borne by her today.

Music was furnished by a male quartet composed of Brownlaw Hopkins and son, Mr. Hutchens and Calvin Henderson, with Mrs. M. Varner at the piano. Burial was made under the direction on the Nelson undertakers at Cassville. Pall bearers were G. M. Withers, W.O. Black, J. D. Gustin, Gus LeCompte, C. N. Jayne and Sol Sparkman. Flower bearers were Mrs. Hattie Fox, Misses Myrtle and Pearl Le Compte, Ella Moseley, Ruth Withers and Bettie Gustin, Gene Withers, Earl Trollinger, Paul Gustin, and Lyle Lecompte. There was an immense crowd present at the funeral, Mr. Foster being so well known and so well respected over the county.

Among those who went from a distance to attend the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Gustin and family of Springfield; Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Daugherty and Mrs. Jim Hickman of Oronogo; Mrs. Chase and Mrs. Thurman of Aurora; Mrs. Cunningham and Mrs. Hattie Fox of Carthage; Mrs. Sue LeCompte and daughters, Myrtle and Pearl and son, Bobbie of Pierce City; Mr. and Mrs. G.M. Withers and family, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Jayne, Mrs. Harry Montgomery, Mr. and Mrs. Brit Carlin, and Rev. Luther Carlin of Monett.

Research Notes: Missouri Death Cert. #23546

Name: Thomas Jefferson Foster

Parents: Robert James and Vesta (Ault) Foster

Died: Aug. 28, 1927
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Democrat
Date Sept. 3 , 1927
Death Cert Link Death Certificate
Resource State Historical Society of MO
Submitted by