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Obit For David Fine
Headline Rock Springs News Items
Text Monday, the 18th, J. M. Fine, went to Tulsa, I. T. in response to telegram announcing the serious illness of his son, and we learn that about the time Mr. Fine left Washburn his son, David Fine, died about 15 miles from Tulsa, of malaria fever and congestion of the brain. The remains were brought home and buried Thursday afternoon at 2:30 in the cemetery near P. E. Roller's.

He was about 34 years old and leaves a wife and two children, mother, five brothers and two sisters and a number of other relatives and friends to mourn his death.

The bereaved relatives have the sympathy of in sorrow. Eld. J. H. Batmen conducted funeral services.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Democrat, Barry Co., MO
Date Sept. 30, 1905, Saturday
Death Cert Link -
Resource State Historical Historical Society of MO
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