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Obit For James Ethridge
Headline Death of James Ethridge
Text James Ethridge was found dead in bed, Saturday morning at his home on Flat Creek between McDowell and Jenkins by his wife when she went to his bed to call him to breakfast.

Mr. Ethridge had attended the Frank and Ben Stubblefield sale on Friday and had told some of his friends that he had not felt better for some time than he felt that day. He had made no complaint of illness upon going to bed Friday night, however, he had been bothered with appendicitis and heart trouble for some time. Saturday morning Mrs. Ethridge awoke and noticing that Mr. Ethridge was still asleep, as she thought, she got breakfast and upon calling him to breakfast discovered that he was dead. An examination by neighbors who were called in, disclosed that he likely had passed away several hours before.

James Ethridge was born in the southern part of this county in 1846. The greater part of his life was spent in this county. For many years he had lived within the vicinity of McDowell. In 1870 he was married to Missouri Marbut, daughter of the late Judge Marbut. To them no children were born but they had reared one or two orphaned children, one of whom, Mrs. Davenport, was still living at the Ethridge home.

James Ethridge was one of Barry County's best citizens. The county had no better men than James Ethridge. He was a man of recognized honor and integrity and his loss will be keenly felt by the community in which he lived in by the county.

The funeral was held Sunday afternoon, conducted by Rev. McKinsey and internment made in the Calton Cemetery.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Republican
Date August 8, 1918, Thursday
Death Cert Link -
Resource State Historical Society of MO Microfilm
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