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Obit For Sallie (Reed) Edens
Text The people of Washburn were grieved by the announcement of the death of Mrs. Evert Edens at their home in the west part of town, on Thursday morning June 13, 1912. Mrs. Edens had been sick for several weeks and everything was done for her that medical skill and care of the loving relatives and friends could do and death came as a relief from long suffering. She was 22 years old and was a daughter of Andy Reed who formerly lived near Wayne and now of Oklahoma. She leaves one little boy, Manord about 4 years old.

The funeral services were conducted by Reverend Charles Welch of the M.E. Church South and the remains were laid to rest Friday afternoon in the Trulove cemetery north of town.

Mr. Edens has been Agent for Frisco at this place for sometime and he has the deepest sympathy of the people of Washburn and community in his great bereavement.

Research Note: Sallie (Reed) Edens, 1889 - 1912.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Not Known
Date 1912
Death Cert Link -
Resource Scrapbook bought at the estate sale of Vivian Roller by Ted Roller.
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