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Obit For Rachel Curry
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Text Died, at the home of G. W. Farwell, May 6, Rachel Curry. Mrs. Curry was born June 1820, and raised in Illinois. At the age of eighteen she married to a Mr. Brown and in 1841 came to Barry County and settled Aug. 1, on the bank of White River, which was that time a dense cane brake. They lived there but a few years where Brown died. She then married William Curry. They lived on her farm until the war came up when they moved to Cassville.

While there she lost her husband and four other members of the family, in the war, where with her once large but then small family, moved back to the old home, where they lived in peace and pleasure but a few years when the youngest boy died an the two older ones married, leaving her with only one child to comfort her in her old days. Misfortune still followed. He lost his mind and drowned himself. That left her but one child and a step son - B. F. Curry - her son being that time in Montana. In the fall of 1878 he came home and staid that winter but but being discontented, went back in the spring, leaving her in the care of O. W. Farwell who has had the principal care of her since.

For the last seven years the old lady had lived along on the old homestead. In vain her step son and friends persuaded her to leave the old home and stay with them, but the answer always came back: "If you had come here when this was a cane brake, like I did, you would want to stay the rest of your life." About one month before she died she was persuaded to leave her home and go home with O. W. Farwell. The old lady said there was only one left who was here when she came here, and that is Edward Easley. She was 75 years and 11 months old and was laid to resting the Roach Cemetery. O. W. Farwell, Eagle Rock, MO.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Republican
Date April 21, 1896, Thursday
Death Cert Link -
Resource State Historical Society of MO
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