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Obit For Wilson Cottrell
Headline Sad Death
Text Wilson, a thirteen months old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cottrell, who resides northwest of town, died Saturday evening about 7 p.m. of stricine [strychnine] poison obtained from taking several tablets of heart medicine. The sad accident occurred shortly after Mrs. Cottrell's trip to town to get some heart tablets for her husband and to do some shopping for the family.

The medicine was in a package with other articles and was placed by Mrs. Cottrell after her arrival home upon a shelf. While she and her husband were out attending to the duties about the home older children of the family got the package from the shelf, opened it and in some way the medicine got in the hands of the little child and was soon found by the parents in a state of convulsions. By the time a local physician could be secured the child was in dying condition. We are informed that only four of the twenty tablet could be found and is supposed the missing ones were taken, causing a very sudden action.

The funeral services, conducted by Rev. C. F. Siler, were held at the Antioch Church, Sunday afternoon and interment was made at the cemetery nearby. Mr. and Mrs. Cottrell are excellent citizens and have the sympathy of all this, their sad hour of bereavement.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Republican
Date December 25, 1913, Thursday
Death Cert Link -
Resource State Historical Society of MO
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