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Obit For Elmo Cooper
Headline ROCK CREEK:
Text Obit #1
Rev. F. M. Smallwood was called to Shell Knob last Thursday to conduct the funeral service of the little four year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Matt Cooper. Geo. Smith and family and Mrs. James Holman and children attended the funeral of their little nephew, Elmo Cooper, at Shell Knob last Thursday.

Obit #2 At Rest - Little Elmo, son of Mr. and Mrs. Matt Cooper of Shell Knob, died Tuesday March 6th, of membranous croup. He was 4 years, 11 months and 28 days old. He was sick but a short time and his instant death brought deep grief to his parents and near relatives. He was a bright and loving disposition and we feel that our loss is Heaven's gain.

For we know our little Elmo.
Has forever gone to dwell
With our Blessed Lord and Savior.
He who doeth all things well.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Republican
Date March 15, 1917
Death Cert Link -
Resource State Historical Society of MO Microfilm
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