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Obit For Rev. William B. Cochran
Headline -
Text Obit #1
Monett Times chronicles the death of Rev. W. B. Cochran Sunday at his home in Greenfield, Dade County, after a short illness. The deceased formerly had charge of the Christian Church in Cassville and was well known in the county. He served as a member of the House in the state legislature from both Dade and Lawrence Counties. For some years he was engaged in the newspaper business at Lockwood and Aurora. His body was interred at Ash Grove Monday under the auspices of the Masonic Lodge.

Obit #2
Rev. W. B. Cochran Died: Rev. W.B. Cockran died at his home in South Greenfield, Sunday and his body was taken to Ash Grove Monday for burial. Mr. Cochran was well known in Lamar having been pastor of the christian church here for some time. He spent about forty years of his life in the ministry and he is well known in Barton, Dade, Lawerence and Jasper counties. He was a Mason and that order had charge of the funeral.

Mrs. Cochran was a former Ash Grove woman and that is the reason he was buried there. At one time Mr. Cochran was one of the leading citizen boosers of Aurora. That was at the time Aurora was striving to become a city. He aftrward plublished a paper in Lockwood, the Times. He was a member of the Legislature from Dade five years ago.

Research Notes: Death Cert # 8635
Born: 13 Apr 1846 (MO)
Died: 01 Mar 1913 So. Greenfield, Dade, MO
Parents: Hugh Cochran & Mariah Carr
Occupation: Minister of Gospel
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Republican, Lamar Republican
Date March 6, 1913, Thursday
Death Cert Link Death Certificate
Resource State Historical Society of MO
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