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Obit For John Chaney
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Text John Chaney one of this county's highly respected citizens passed away at his home near Seligman, Saturday, June 15, from broken health and general debility.

He was born June 14, 1839 in Coles County, Ill. He came to Southwest Missouri in1856 and lived in McDonald County until 1869, when he moved near Seligman where he has since resided. He was a soldier in the Civil War and belonged to Company C, 14th Missouri Cavalry, which later become consolidated with the 4th Missouri Calvary. At the time of his discharge he belonged to Company L.

He was married Sarah M. Fuller in 1865. To them were born 11 children. Ten are still living and were at his bedside in his last sickness. I

n the death of John Chaney the county loses a good citizen, his wife and children a loving husband and father. He was honest and sympathetic with those who formed his acquaintance and his Christian influence will be a lasting memory in this community.

The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Beamen, June 16, and his body buried at the New Salem Cemetery.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Republican
Date June 27, 1912, Thursday
Death Cert Link Death Certificate
Resource State Historical Society of Missouri
Submitted by