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Obit For Stella Burnett
Headline Washburn Prairie News:
Text Obit#1
Saturday night, Jan. 11, 1913, the death angel entered the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Burnett and claimed for its victim, their daughter, Stella. She had been in poor health for sometime with lung trouble. She was born Oct 3, 1890, making her 22 years, 3 months and 8 days old.

She was converted at this place Nov. 30, 1906, and had lived a consistent Christian life every since. She had such a loving disposition which made her a favorite among all. She always had a kind word and a mile for everyone. The loved ones would not weep for Stella is in the land of rest. We should all strive to meet her in a better land, where thee will no sad partings. Oh! how sad that one so young must be taken from her loved ones. But God's will be done.

She leaves a father, mother, four brothers, three sisters, a wide circle of loved ones and friends to mourn her death.

Funeral services were conducted at the church Sunday evening at 3 o'clock by Bro. M. W. Coons after which the body was conveyed to the cemetery and tenderly laid to rest to await the resection morn.

Washburn News: Died at her home, Jan. 11, 1913, Miss Stella Burnett, age 22 years. She was the second daughter of Elijah and Lizzie Burnett. She had been in failing health since last June, but none of her friends suspected the end was so near until just a few days before her death.

She was a sweet Christian girl, always cheerful and thoughtful of the happiness of others. She had many friends and was a favorite with them all. Life was very sweet and promising to her. She will be greatly missed in the home. The bereaved ones have the sympathy of all.

The funeral was preached by Bro., Coons and her remains were laid to rest in the Washburn Prairie Cemetery to await the resurrection morn.

Obit#3 - Miss Stella Burnett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Burnett of Washburn Prairie, died at the home of her parents, Saturday night, age 22 years, 3 months, and 8 days. Her death was due to lung trouble. The funeral services were conducted Sunday afternoon by Rev. Coons of this city at the Washburn Prairie Church and interment was made in the Washburn Prairie Cemetery.

Research Note: Elijah Anderson Burnett was married Elizabeth Weston. His son Andrew Amos Burnett married Martha Florence Weathers. She was a Zachariah Haddock descendant through the Russell family.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Republican, Cassville, Barry Co., MO
Date January 16, 1913
Death Cert Link Death Ceftificate
Resource State Historical Society of MO Microfilm
Submitted by