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Obit For Charles Shepard Bryan
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Text At his home in Cassville, Sunday, March 8, at 1:20 o'clock p. m., Chas. S. Bryan, age 68 years, 5 months, and 10 days.

Charles Shepard Bryan was one of eleven children of John H. and Mary Bryan and was born at New Berne, Craven Co., NC, Sept 28, 1832. In 1862, he graduated from the Chapel Hill University of North Carolina and for the next four years was engaged in the mercantile business at Petersburg, VA, water which he was employed as a traveling salesman with headquarters at Baltimore and Philadelphia until 1858 when he removed to Greenfield, Mo, and resumed merchandising. In 1863 he went to Cooper Co., Mo., and five years later came to Cassville, where he has since resided, being recognized amongst the leading business men and filling many places of honor and trust.

During the first twelve years of his residence here he was engaged in merchandising. In 1879 he was elected county superintendent of public schools, and in 1873 at a special election, was elected county collector. In 1874 he was elected representative from this county on the Democratic ticket and reelected in 1878. While in the legislature he served on the committee on Ways and Means, and the last term was chairman of the committee on county boundaries.

In 1880 he again took the road and for six years was traveling salesman having for his territory Missouri and Arkansas. Upon the resignation of Wm. G. Hobbs as recorder of deeds in 1885, Mr. Bryan was appointed by Governor Crittenden to fill the vacancy. The next fall he was elected the same office and re-elected in 1890, his second term expiring Dec 31, 1894. For a few months he represented the New England Mutual Life Ins. Co., but about the first of January, accepted a position as traveling salesman for the Western Tobacco Co., of Kansas City, in whose employ he was at the time of his decease. Mr. Bryan had not been feeling well for some time but continued traveling until the 29th, ilts., when he returned from Monett with pneumonic symptoms which were accompanied by other complications.

Mr. Bryan was a member of the Episcopal church and of Pythagoras Lodge No. 383, A. F. & A. M. under whose auspices the remains were interred, in the Cassville Cemetery, Tuesday after services conducted at the Union Church by Dr. C. C. Woods of Neosho.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Republican
Date March 12, 1896
Death Cert Link -
Resource State Historical Society of MO Microfilm
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