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Obit For Ross Brown
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Text Dead: Ross Brown, son of Wm. Brown, died Thursday morning, Jan. 29, 1914, at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bayless, northwest of town of typhoid fever, age 19 years, 4 months and 29 days.

From the beginning, his aliments were pronounced quite serious. He battled the disease bodily with this fine physique but it was all in vain.

Ross was a young man of excellent habits and was liked by all who knew him. He possessed an earnest desire to secure an education and was an excellent student to the Cassville High school. His untimely death has brought sorrow to many hearts.
Funeral services were held Friday afternoon at the home of his grandparents, conducted by Rev. E. W. Love. Interment was made in the Oak Hill Cemetery.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Republican
Date February 5, 1914, Thursday
Death Cert Link Death Certificate
Resource State Historical Society of Missouri Microfilm
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