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Obit For Lutecia (Henderson) Brown
Headline Crossed the River of Death
Text After continued suffering of the severest nature, Mrs. Lutecia Henderson Brown wife of Roy Brown of Purdy, died at her home in that place, Monday 29th, 1909, of tuberculosis of the bone, age 23 years, 2 months and 11 days. She was a daughter of the Rev. F. P. Henderson. She and Mr. Brown were married July 1, 1903, and to them were born two children, Noveta 4 and Jed two years old.

Rev. Chas. L. Siler conducted the funeral at the Baptist Church, Tuesday, March 30, 1909, and the church could not accommodate the many assembled to pay the last respect to the dead. She was a devoted Christian lady, and a worker in the Sunday Schools.

To her, the struggle and burden bearing of earth are ended and we confidently trust that like one who awakes from a troubled dream, she has awakened to see life's endless morning break and known herself at home with all the vast throng of loved ones, missed from earth, safe about her. Gone from their sight, but because life and love are stronger than earth she is still there. She is still the mother of the dear children, upon whom she devoted with such enlacing? fondness, and the companion still of him, who mourns earth's greatest loss, and may she not by this transition wild over then a stranger force for goodness and truth than before.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Democrat
Date Apr. 3, 1909, Saturday
Death Cert Link -
Resource State Historical Society of MO Microfilm
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