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Obit For Willis Brock
Headline Succumbs to Typhoid
Text Willis Brock, 23 years of age, son of W. J. Brock, a prominent and well known citizen of near Shell Knob, died early Sunday morning of typhoid fever.

Willis, was at the time of taking sick, engaged in teaching the Fairview school near Shell Knob. His illness from the beginning became very serious and on account of his frail constitution he gradually gave way to the disease after nine days sickness.

Willis was an industrious young man with an ambition to live a life of usefulness. He possessed those traits of character that would have rounded out a useful life and he had been permitted to live.

Interment was made at the Painter Cemetery Sunday afternoon following short funeral services conducted at the grave by Rev. Cottrell.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Republican
Date September 17, 1914, Thursday
Death Cert Link -
Resource State Historical Society of MO Microfilm
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