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Obit For Hugh Brixey
Former Sheriff and State Park Superintendent Has Been Given Most Tender Attention by Family
Text The passing of Hugh S. Brixey, former sheriff and superintendent of Roaring River State Park, brought relief to patient sufferer of months despite the tender and loving care of members of his devoted family. Death came Sunday morning at 2:15 at the family home on Gravel Street. The death of Mr. Brixey was not unexpected because his condition had been serious for weeks and was such as to cause anxiety of friends for more than a year. He was afflicted with arthritis.

He was a son of the late former sheriff G. M. Brixey and was born on Washburn Prairie on July 7, 1888, and lived in this community his entire life and was held in high esteem by all who knew him. Aside from serving a term as sheriff and 11 years as park superintendent he was engaged in farming. He filled both official positions in a courteous and efficient manner. Before retiring from the park operation he had a contract for garbage at Camp Chaffee, Ark. and carried the business on in a successful manner in connection with a son-in-law, Amos Horner. It was during this time his health became so serious and forced him to retire from the business and the privacy of his home with a hope of regaining his health. His mother was a daughter of the well-known Montgomery family of the county.

Surviving are Mrs. Brixey and two daughters, Mrs. Amos Horner and Mrs. Harry Stacey and four grandchildren. A son Lt. Hugh S. Brixey, Jr. was killed in a plane crash in China. An Air Medal was recently made him posthumously; Mrs. Brixey is the former Norma Thomas daughter of C.A. Thomas also a former sheriff and well-known citizen. A half-brother, Wilson Brixey, lives in California.

Impressive funeral service was held by the Rev. E.W. Love at the Koon Funeral Home in Cassville. Monday afternoon. Burial followed in the Maplewood Cemetery at Exeter. Many beautiful floral emblems were received by the bereaved family as an expression of the high esteem in which he was held. The funeral was largely attended.

Deceased: Hugh S. Brixey
Parents Names: General M. and Elizabeth (Montgomery) Brixey
Place Born: Washburn Prairie, Barry Co., MO
Date Born: July 7, 1888
Date Died: May 6, 1945
Place Died: Home Gravel St., Cassville, Barry Co., MO
Cemetery: Maplewood, Exeter, Barry Co., MO
Newspaper: Cassville Democrat
Paper Date: May 10, 1945

Resarch Note:
Death Cert: #16207
Born July 7, 1888, Barry Co., MO
Parents: General M. and Elizabeth (Montgomery) Brixey
Death Date: May 6, 1945
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Democrat
Date May 10, 1945
Death Cert Link Death Certificate
Resource Democrat Office
Submitted by