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Obit For William McKinley Brendlinger
Headline -
Text Obit #1 - The community was greatly shocked Saturday evening when news was flashed over the wire that William Brendlinger was instantly killed by falling under the caboose of a work train at Granby on which he was brakeman. William McKinley Brendlinger was a bright young man, beloved by all who knew him and his untimely death was a sad blow to the neighborhood. He leaves a father, mother and two brothers, Tom, of Monett, and Roy, of Corsicana; to mourn his death. We extend our heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family.

Obit#2 - Young Brakeman Killed Under Car Wheels -- William Brendlinger meets Death When He Loses His Footing as He Tries to Board Caboose. - William Brendlinger, a young Frisco brakeman, was killed at Grandby, Saturday evening, by falling under the wheels of a caboose of a moving freight train.

He was working under Conductor George Wilhoit and went out Saturday morning to take a work train to Granby. The train was ready to return to Monett and the brakeman was returning to the caboose with the flag. As he tried to get on board he missed his footing and fell under the train, a wheel of which ran over his head, killing him instantly.

The body was brought immediately to Monett, where it was taken in charge by R.M. Callaway in his underdaking department.

William Brendlinger was the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Brendlinger, and would have been 21 years old in April. He had been working for the Frisco since last October. He was an intelligent, manly young fellow and his tragic death is a severe blow for his parents.

Funeral services were held at the home southwest of Monett Monday afternoon, conducted by Rev. M.C. Smith.

Research Notes: William was born 7 June 1897 to Jacob E and Mary Elizabeth Largen Brendlinger. He died 26 Feb 1916. He had 3 siblings: Thomas Eric (1890-1956), Otis Leroy (1893-1970) and Virgil (1895-1904)
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Republican, The Monett Times
Date March 2, 1916, March 3, 1916
Death Cert -
Resource State Historical Society of MO Microfilm
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