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Obit For Thomas J. Brattin
Body Found Saturday Night. Act Was Apparently Committed Few Days Earlier
Text Thomas J. Brattin, a citizen of near Exeter about fifty-three years old, was found last Saturday night suspended from a beam in the Charles Ellston barn west of Exeter where he had hung himself.

Mr. Brattin had just recently returned from Nevada where he had spent several months in the sanatorium. He disappeared from the Bowman home where he was staying Thursday afternoon and informed them that he was going to the home of his brother, Lorenza Brattin. When he failed to show up a search was begun which ended Saturday night when the body was found in the Ellston barn by Jess McClure. In hanging himself he had used a hay rope, which was in the loft.

He had apparently fastened the noose about his neck, then bound his wrists with wire and then stepped through the loop, thus preventing the use of his hands after he had jumped.

According to relatives he had considered suicide a number of times in the past and told them of a few attempts he had made. He is survived by a wife and two children who are living in Monett with relatives.

Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Vanzandt Sunday afternoon and burial made in the Concord cemetery.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Wheaton Journal
Date Friday, November 21, 1924
Death Cert Link Death Certificate
Resource State Historical Society of MO Microfilm
Submitted by