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Obit For John Franklin Brattin
Text Passed to his reward, was the word that came over the wire Thursday, in regard to the death of John Franklin Brattin, who answered the beckon of the Angel of death at his home in Exeter, Dec. 29th, 1910, of an abcess of the stomach, aged 54 years, 11 months and 20 days. He had been in bad health for five years, and was first stricken with jaundice. He was a son of the late J.W., and Matilda Brattin, and a brother of Jos. L.D., Rev. J.T., and Reuben Brattin.

He was born on Shoal Creek in this county and had lived most all of his life in this county. He was the father of 12 children, 10 of whom are living. His wife survives him. He was a member of the Exeter Baptist Church, and the funeral services were held there yesterday, Friday Dec 20, at 11 a.m., by Rec. C. M. Smith, after which the remains were laid to rest in Maplewood Cemetery.

He had been Constable of Exeter township, and was Deputy Sheriff under Sheriff O' Dwyer.

The end was as peaceful as the close of a beautiful summer day, when daylight fades into night, with increasing loveliness.

Research Note: : This obit reads Maplewood Cemetery but John Franklin Brattin is buried in Concord Cemetery. SSW his wife Quincy A. Brattin. This is verified by Barry County Cemetery books and Brattin researchers.

John Franklin Brattin 1856 - 1910
Newspaper or Funeral Home -
Date Dec. 1910
Death Cert Link Death Certificate
Resource Scrapbook bought at the estate sale of Vivian Roller by Ted W. Roller
Submitted by