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Obit For James Brandt
Headline James Brandt Dead
Text After a lingering illness and months of feeble health James Brandt passed away at his home five miles south of Cassville Sunday morning, Nov. 14, 1909, aged 78 years.

James Brandt was born in Ohio in 1831. He came to this county in 1855. The next year he went to Andrew county, Mo., were he lived two years. Returning to Barry county, he located south of town in the same vicinity where he died. He was thus one of the county's old residents, having lived here for more than half a century.

In 1850 he was married to Caroline Pyburn. This union was blessed with nine children, eight of whom are living. The are: Mrs. Sallie Maxwell; Miss Izzie Brandt; Mrs. Fannie Cox; Will, Amon and George all of Cassville; Mrs. Missouri James and Joane Phelps of Oklahoma. Mrs. Brandt preceded her husband into the great unknown by a space of only a few months.

In the death of Mr. Brandt the county loses another of its citizens who settled within her borders in ante-bellum days and upon whom was a share of the burden of making out of a backwoods section one of the best counties in the state. The large crowd at the funeral was the best testimonial of his worth as a citizen and as a neighbor

His remains were laid in their last resting place in the Corinth Cemetery Sunday afternoon with the honors of the Masonic order of which he was member.
Newspaper or Funeral Home -
Date Nov. 1909
Death Cert Link -
Resource Scrapbook bought at the estate sale of Vivian Roller
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