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Obit For Caroline (Pyburn) Brandt
Headline Another Old Citizen Passes Away
Text One by one at a very rapid rate the very old citizens of this county are passing away. Another name was added to the list last Thursday morning when the spirit of Mrs. Caroline Brandt, wife of W.G. Brandt south of town five miles, returned to him who gave it. After a three week's illness with a liver trouble Mrs. Brandt died at 1 o'clock a.m., June 17, aged 77 years.

Mrs. Caroline Pyburn Brandt was born in Miller county, MO., Jan. 30, 1832. In 1856 she was married to W.J. Brandt. They, with Mrs. Brandt's parents, William and Sarah Pyburn, came to Barry county in 1861 and settled near where W.J. Brandt now lives. To them were born nine children, eight of whom are living. They are Mrs. Sallie Maxwell, Miss Issie Brandt, Mrs. Jesse Cox, all living near Cassville; Mrs. Missouri James of Tulsa Okla., Mrs. James Phelps of Range Okla., and Will, Amon and George Brandt of near town. Mrs. Brandt was the sister of Mrs. Fannie Cox, Mrs. Monroe Logan and of Jackson Pyburn a prominent lawyer who died a few years ago at Winfield, Kan.

Neighbors and acquaintances of Mrs. Brandt who knew her intimately speak in highest rearms of her kindly disposition, her excellent character and words of counsel and advice. She was a devoted and loving mother and wife and won the esteem and good will of the whole community in which she lived.

The remains were laid to rest in the Corinth cemetery Thursday evening after funeral exercises conducted by Rev. E.W. Love.
Newspaper or Funeral Home -
Date 1909
Death Cert Link -
Resource Scrapbook bought at the estate sale of Vivian Roller by Ted W. Roller
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