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Obit For Bradley Child
Headline Terrible Accident
Text A terrible accident happened Friday evening when the eight months old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Bradley was killed in a run-away south of town. Mr. and Mrs. Bradley were returning from Monett to their home six miles south of town, driving a mule to a buggy. The mule became frightened at an automobile soon after leaving town, and a little further on they were passed by a boy on a bicycle. The animal being already excited started to run.

Mrs. Bradley became very much frighten and started to jump from the buggy. Her husband tried to keep her in but she finally jumped and was thrown, with the baby under the wheels. One wheel passed over the child's neck and it died almost instantly.

Mrs. Bradley received a bad cut over the eye, was badly bruised about the face and suffered injuries about her side and back.

They were taken to the home of J. H. Wormington, where they were cared for and Dr. A. Jones was called to dress the woman's injuries. They returned to their home that night and are grief stricken over the tragic death of the sweet little babe. Monett Times.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Republican
Date May 22, 1913
Death Cert Link -
Resource State Historical Society of MO Microfilm
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